We are proud and grateful for these recognitions of NCMTA itself, our North Carolina colleagues, and their students.
2024 NCMTA President’s Recognition Award –

2024-26 Diane Blanchard, NCTM serving as MTNA Certification Commissioner.
NCMTA Past President; MTNA Southern Division Director; MTNA Foundation Fellow;
Congratulations and thanks, Diane!
2024-26 Dr. Vicky Fischer Faw serving as MTNA Southern Division Director
NCMTA Past President; Professor Emeritus Elon University; 2021 NCMTA Teacher of the Year; 2022 MTNA Teacher of the Year; 2023 MTNA Fellow elected MTNA Southern Division Director
Congratulations and thanks, Vicky!

2023 Dr. Kent Lyman inducted into the Steinway & Sons Teacher Hall of Fame.
This program was begun by Steinway in 2019. Every two years, Steinway dealerships from around the country are invited to nominate a teacher in their jurisdiction whose “passionate commitment to teaching and inspiring young people in their study of piano music is commendable and rare.”
Kent is an NCMTA Past President. Congratulations!

2023 NCMTA President’s Recognition Award recipient:
Dr. Leonidas Lagrimas, Editor of the NC Music Teacher and NCMTA Development Director
Our Raleigh Piano Teachers Association was named MTNA’s Local Association of the Year for 2023!
Pictured is Renee McKee, President of RPTA. Congratulations!

2022-2024 Dr. Thomas Swenson, NCTM served as MTNA Southern Division Director
Thanks, Thomas!
The inaugural NCMTA President’s Recognition Award was given in 2022:
Cathy Pescevich Kreplin, NCMTA Webmaster
The NCMTA President’s Recognition Award program was established in 2022 by then NCMTA president Dr. Kent Lyman. This discretionary award from the current NCMTA President recognizes an NCMTA member teacher who has made a significant contribution to the betterment of organization as a whole

MTNA 2022 Southern Division winners from North Carolina
Students and teachers recognized for their accomplishments! Several of these Southern Division competitors represented North Carolina in the MTNA National Competitions. Congratulations!
- Junior Composition: Raphael Mouawad, winner (Julie Harris, teacher)
- Junior Piano: Benjamin Luo, winner (Florence Ko, teacher)
- Senior Composition: Alexander Moiseev, winner (Julie Harris, teacher) We have just learned that Alexander has won third prize at the national level in the Senior Composition Competition!!*
- Senior Woodwind: Carter Doolittle, winner (Robert Young, teacher)
MTNA Teacher of the Year in 2022 went to our past President Dr. Vicky Fischer Faw. Congratulations!

NCMTA was the proud recipient of the MTNA State Affiliate of the Year for 2020!
Photo shows then NCMTA President Dr. Vicky Fischer Faw holding the award plaque. Congratulations and thanks, Vicky!