The Tony Award-winning production "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" is set to bring the magical world of Hogwarts to theaters across the U.S. and Canada with a tour launching next fall. Currently captivating audiences on Broadway at the Lyric Theatre, "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" will kick off its national tour at Chicago’s...
For nearly 20 years, Wicked has captivated audiences at the Gershwin Theatre, solidifying its place as the fourth-longest-running Broadway show in history. Grab your Wicked tickets on New York Theatre Guide now and experience the musical that has enchanted countless audiences. Based on Gregory Maguire’s best-selling 1995 novel, Wicked: The Life and Times of the...
Beetlejuice The Musical is currently bringing its hilarious and absurd charm to Seattle's Paramount Theatre until April 7, 2024. With low expectations as my usual approach to live shows—especially when I adore the story in another form, like the movie—I found myself delightfully surprised. Fair warning, this review is filled with excitement and exclamations, but...
Robert Petkoff as Harold Zidler and the cast of the North American tour of Moulin Rouge! The Musical. Photo by Matthew Murphy for MurphyMade. Truth. Beauty. Freedom. Love. Baz Luhrmann’s 2001 film Moulin Rouge! dazzles with its sensory excess, centering on two star-crossed lovers amidst the chaos. The critically acclaimed, Oscar-winning movie was a natural...
Broadway in Louisville's "Peter Pan" features Nolan Almeida and Hawa Kamara in a delightful new production that promises to whisk audiences away from the burdens of "adulting" to a world where you never have to grow up. No need for a magical journey to the second star to the right—just head to the Nederlander Theatre...
In a scene from "& Juliet," Lorna Courtney shines in a dark pink dress, surrounded by an energetic ensemble. This musical, starring Courtney at the Stephen Sondheim Theater, features wit on multiple levels. The jukebox isn't hidden; it's blatantly on stage, a chrome Cyclops staring at you before the show begins. Are you challenging me,...