Student events are contests, festivals and competitions

denver wicked

NCMTA Student Events

are annual performance and composition opportunities designed to stimulate and recognize constant growth.



Concert Instruments

Young Composers Contest

The purpose of the NCMTA Performance Festival is to provide voice, piano and concert instrument students of all ages, and their teachers, a means of receiving constructive feedback from competent judges. The NCMTA Performance Festival is non-competitive. Students are not judged against others, but instead are adjudicated on their own merits. 

The purpose of the NCMTA Young Composers Contest is to provide student composers a means of receiving constructive feedback from a competent judge. Winners at the first, second, third place and honorable mention levels are identified.

Our Performance Festivals are held annually in the early part of the year, in two phases – District and State.

Performance Festival Information

  • Our NCMTA Performance Festivals are held in the early part of each year in two phases – District and State.
  • Students eligible to participate in the State Festival are those who earned Highest Honors at District. 
  • REGISTRATION for this year’s performance festivals is now closed.
  • Students earning Highest Honors at both State and District levels are eligible to perform in the Honors Recitals at conference.


  • $25 per student, per round (district/state); 
  • additional $50 festival registration fee for non-NCMTA teachers.


Festival Repertoire and Regulations – click below

Piano Performance Repertoire and Regulations 

Concert Instruments Repertoire and Regulations 

Voice Performance Repertoire and Regulations 

Interested in volunteering? 

NCMTA Performance Festival is always looking for dedicated members to help out with student events. Get connected in the community, meet other NCMTA members, and support live student performance!

Questions? Reach out to Emily Morgan or Bridget O’Leary, Festival Co-Directors.

Our Young Composers’ Contest is held annually in the summer. Check often for details.

  • Young Composer’s Contest information

  • NCMTA Student Events

    NCMTA offers annual student events that are performance and composition opportunities.

    MTNA Student Events

    National parent association, MTNA (Music Teachers National Association), also offers students performance and composition opportunities, distinct from our own NCMTA student events.

    NCMTA versus MTNA – What’s the Difference?

    NCMTA is an affiliate of MTNA. In other words, MTNA is the parent organization of NCMTA. To join NCMTA, you must join MTNA and choose your state affiliation – two memberships, two fees, one registration!